The Wobbly Glen Cafe

My girls just celebrated their birthdays and for their party, we turned the living room into a cafe. It was my eldest one’s idea as one of her favourite books is Mrs Wobble the Waitress (great one to read to your preschooler!). Most things were sourced from the thrift store to stage the cafe, including two kitchen cabinet doors that I turned into chalkboards for the menus.

The invites were sent out with a copy of the book, and I bought up lots of play food and nets so that I could transform myself into Mrs. Wobble and wobble around the living room cafe dropping pretend food for all the little ones to catch.

It was great fun and my daughter is still reenacting the wobbling! Here are some photos:

The birthday girl helping arrange table vases

Table for two at the Wobbly Glen cafe

The living room was all set up the night before!

Cafe fare with menu boards

My birthday girls with the birthday cake



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